The body is the most beautiful & miraculous MACHINE, it can heal itself.
Every thing that is existing in the UNIVERSE is ENERGY, this is all what it is.
Today, I invite you to be present to looking at YOURSELF as ENERGY. So everything we feel & absorb is also ENERGY.
Many-a-times, we are unable to understand the actual emotion attached to a situation going on in our life, or even a current state we are under going in the current moment.
The biggest challenge we face within ourselves is that we are unable to know & understand what our emotion & feeling is in the current situation we are under going.
This is the unidentified EMOTIONAL UNDER CURRENT going on inside our body. Have you ever noticed in your body the tension in your legs, stomach etc while a situation/ conversation is going on in your life.
Or have you ever noticed that before any important event/ meeting in your life your stomach goes bizarre or your GUT starts becoming out of control. This is the Under current Emotion once occurred in your life in the past & still has the effect in your existing situation.
This under current emotion stops the growth of a relationship & we accept the human with a non persuasion. No more relationship growth. That is the reason our bodies are growing with irritation within the relationships.
If you can identify that emotion going on in your life’s current situation you are able to not only heal the relationship but also prevent your body attaching itself with diseases attached to that emotion.
Let me give you an example, the main EMOTION behind CANCER in the body is underlying anger & at many-a-times the person going through even dosen’t know that he himself was suffering from anger & caused the disease.
The continuous suppression of the emotion creates this situation in the body.
It is always good that if you have any emotion coming in a situation, acknowledge it & let it go. As there is no good & bad emotion it is just a state or a situation you are feeling in particular about. Don’t attach strings to it.
Now why does this emotional under current occur, this is a big question we never ask ourselves.
Pause for a moment & bring into your consciousness you assume yourself as the body, not only that you exist on this earth with this body. But forget the SOUL, which is the most important part of this journey with the body.
Now when the SOUL’S is unable to accomplish it’s purpose it starts sending you messages, messages in the form of signs, listening to something or even you might bump into something that is giving you the message. But we as a BODY ignore the message & create the unhappy state & aggregate the under lying currents.
It’s like an ice burg you will see only 5% of it on the surface. Let me share with you another example, a person angry & yelling at top of his voice in a situation is only sending his 5% emotional anger outside & sending the rest of the 95% anger to his own body hurting SELF.
So, I would invite you rathe than carrying the debris of the emotional baggage have empathy for that HUMAN. HE IS IN PAIN.
Have you seen people WHO carry their PASSION the most HAPPIEST & BEAUTIFUL?
The reason is that the connect the bond of the SOUL & BODY are so strong that they are living the PURPOSE of the SOUL through their BODY.
If you are a person who believe’s in his purpose, the purpose of the SOUL, here’s my invitation to YOU.
It could be bringing a SMILE ON A FACE, SOLVING a PROBLEM any thing your SOUL is HAPPY to do, it ENJOY’S & I promise you YOUR BODY will remain as healthy as a CHILD, both MENTALLY & EMOTIONALLY.
your SOUL is HAPPY to do, it ENJOY’S & I promise you YOUR BODY will remain as healthy as a CHILD, both MENTALLY & EMOTIONALLY.